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For a modification, enter course prefix and number, select open-ended course (ends with current) and print. Enter modifications/edits to be made by placing a strikethrough what is to be deleted and entering new information using bold. For a New Subject/Prefix verify that the prefix/subject is not already in use by visiting the Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation (CCTA)s index of active subjects/prefixes at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.maricopa.edu/academic/ccta/curric/subjectlist.php" http://www.maricopa.edu/academic/ccta/curric/subjectlist.php 4. If for a program, a) print title; b) check whether program is new, modified, or to be deleted; c) check whether program is academic or occupational. (List the above items for additional program(s) on a separate sheet of paper.) For modifications, see instructions for printing program in Step 3. 5. If for General Studies, indicate values to be gained. 6. Enter the semester and year course and/or program is to be effective 7. Print Explanation/Need for proposed action. (E.g., "To increase student options available in Restricted Electives area.") 8. Departmental Review: a. List any additional remarks that provide clarification. b. Prior communication with Instructional Council(s) may expedite the processing and/or approval of proposals. c. Provide appropriate signatures and the date. 9. Call 57803 or 57887 to schedule an appointment with the Curriculum Work Team to present the concept of the proposed curriculum. See Curriculum Processing Calendar for meeting dates and times, http://www.pc.maricopa.edu/index.php?page=129&subpage=485 10. Present the completed form at appointment or by Draft due date indicated on the Curriculum Processing Calendar.  ƷSMӰƬ Curriculum Development Request Form Initiator: Date: Department: Phone No:  Request (Place X after all that apply, and supply requested information) is for a New Subject/Prefix: (three letter acronym and definitionExample LAS=Paralegal Studies) Course: -- Enter Course Title: Course is: New Modified: Deleted: Academic: Occupational: List similar course(s) from the Course Bank:  General Studies Course Proposals:  Program(s): -- Enter Program Title(s): Program is: New Modified Deleted Moratorium Academic Occupational  Term to be effective: Semester: Year:  Explanation/Need:  Departmental Review: Remarks: Discuss with Instructional Council(s) if appropriate. After entering information, print this form, obtain the proper signatures, and call the Curriculum Office at extension 57803 or 57887 to schedule an appointment with the Curriculum Work Team. Initiator Signature: Date: Program Director Signature: Date: Chair Signature: Date:     \\Inst\Administrative\Instructional Support Services\CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT\OFFICE\Forms\Curriculum Development\Forms August 07 to present\CDR 11-12 Rvsd 7_28_15.doc Rev: 08/09/2011 NOTE: Initiators MUST meet with Curriculum WorkTeam PRIOR to beginning curriculum process. =Lopqxy = > ?    A B C y    6 C c f g v } A B D E 宖᲏ڏjhH0JU h5h3@ h'Xy5h'Xyh%L7 hUhUh `0h'Xyh3@ h `00JB*phh `0h3@ 0JB*phh5hY5B*ph h5hYh%LhU hYCJhkPhYhY5;CJ3=>pqxy> ? 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