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Upon discussion with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Deans, it was determined that rather than using the courses of Special Projects, if the student needed special accommodations to complete a course for completion of their degree or certificate, a new class would be created as follows: Actual course needed by the student to complete degree or certificate in term requested This eliminates the need to submit a Course Substitution Form and articulation of the course to other colleges and universities. The new Student Information System (SIS) allows the Instruction Mode of IS=Independent Study. OUTCOME: The Administration approved the development and implementation of procedures to be applied for Independent Study course delivery. PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA: Independent Studystudents requiring a specific course for completion of a degree or certificate in the term requested will have the course added to the schedule for delivery per approval process for Change of Master (COM). (Credits and Periods will be as assigned for the course; Load Formula changed to .25 per student for payroll purposes.) A COM request will be submitted by the Department Chair/Program Director for the creation of a new class in SIS with IS as the Instruction Mode. Notes will be added to the class to identify the Load exception made for payroll purposes Course Competencies define learning outcomes     PHOENIX COLLEGE Academic Affairs Instructional Support Services Independent Study ISS/ClsSchdlng/OffPrcdrs/StpbyStpPrcdrs/SpclPrjctsIndpndStdy/IndpndStdy Adopted: September 20, 2012 by Department Chair Council abcdop* M P k m x  1 n y    ' ( m   1 2 M a c k    L j 3Rabd׿߻߷ߧߣߣhS?h.$h hZ5 hehehf!h`hhhVoh6rhehnh @{hG%MhZh+/;hXxhZhXx5h/h=hZh=5>bdl m ' ( b c bMz{}~gd'D & Fgd-D & Fgd.$ & Fgd+/;gd & FgdG%M gd/gd=doxLMz{|~#$[\]^_hTdCJaJh6rCJaJh'Dh6rCJaJh6rhfjhfUh=h5hf!h/heh$*h'ohZh.$$\]^_gd'D$a$gd!g21h:p!g/ =!"#$%h ^ 002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List H@H  @{ Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4@4 Xx0Header  !4 @4 Xx0Footer  !.)!. 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