
MCCCD Libraries Privacy Statement

MCCCD Libraries Privacy Statement

MCCCD Libraries affirm the concept of intellectual freedom and the right of library users to use materials, facilities or services without intimidation. In supporting library users' rights to privacy and confidentiality, MCCCD Libraries are adhering to the "right to read" implicitly guaranteed in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Arizona Revised Statutes 41-1354 (Privacy of User's Records), and the American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights. As stated in the ALA Code of Ethics, libraries "protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted." This includes circulation records, database searches, reference interviews, interlibrary loan records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities or services.

An individual's use of library materials or services will not be disclosed to anyone other than that individual, to persons authorized by that individual, or to library personnel acting within the scope of their duties, except as required by law as outlined in "Law Enforcement Inquiries: Guidelines for MCCCD Library Staff."

Approved 4/29/03 by the DLC