
Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

At 精品SM在线影片, the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff is of primary importance. It is our hope that you will familiarize yourself with all of the . In the event of an emergency or crisis situation, the College Police Department will make timely warnings to the campus community. 

College Police has established relationships with the  to ensure campus safety. Community members are encouraged to report all suspected crimes and unusual or suspicious activities and emergencies.

Separately, the College Police have adopted the Standard Response Protocol when dealing with various types of emergencies. Click .

(Video credit to "i love u guys" Foundation  )


The College Police Department offered a "Campus Safety and Crime Prevention Training" for all faculty and staff. To watch this presentation click on the YouTube video below.

What Is An Emergency?

An emergency is any immediate threat to life and/or property that requires immediate response from police, fire, or ambulance personnel. Your judgment often determines whether an incident is an emergency. If you consider a situation to be an emergency, then it is an emergency and the procedures in this booklet should be followed. If in doubt, err on the side of safety!

Emergency - Campus Police

Emergencies, accidents, injuries and other unexpected events can occur at any time and in any place. Being prepared both mentally and physically for the unexpected is the first and best defense to minimize an incident. Each of us must take a pro-active approach to providing a safe environment and, although no guide can cover all situations, the procedures outlined in this website will help prepare you should an emergency arise.

  • Know the locations of all exits from your area or building in case fire or debris should block one.
  • Know the location of fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers and first-aid cabinets.
  • Know where to find the nearest phone or emergency call box to notify the College Police
  • in case of an emergency.
  • Lock your car and conceal valuable items.
  • Never leave personal property unattended.
  • Don't hesitate to call 9-1-1 immediately if you believe an emergency exists. Then contact the College Police at your location.

Contact the College Police at (602) 285-7254 if you have any questions concerning emergency procedures.

精品SM在线影片 has created a multi-modal crisis communications plan in an effort to maximize communication efforts during an emergency. Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of the campus population, the Public Safety Department will initiate the campus Mass Notification System (MNS). Communication modalities may include text messages, email alerts, classroom workstation intercoms, bull horns, or public address systems. The decision on an appropriate course of action and the type of instructions given to the campus will be made by the Public Safety Director, a campus police officer or other college official based upon the information available at the time.

Students should update their contact information in the Maricopa Online Student Center at in order to receive a PC Alert notification in the event of an emergency. All current students and employees are automatically enrolled in this emergency alert system.

During an urgent situation, the PC Alert system will begin cycling through the points of contact listed in your  account to deliver the alert. The order of contact is as follows:

  • Text message (SMS) to mobile device

  • Call to cell phone

  • Call to home phone number

  • Call to emergency contact number

  • E-mail to listed email address


During any crisis on campus, it is critical that accurate and timely information be given to the news media. All media inquiries should be directed to the Public Information Officers (Institutional Advancement) at 602.285.7870. During absence of IA/Media personnel, administrative staff will handle media inquiries. All information released will take into consideration applicable legalities and the confidentiality of information both during and after a situation.

  1. Notify District College Police at 480-784-0911, and then notify 911 (if necessary).
  2. If evacuation is required, pull fire alarm.
  3. Follow normal evacuation route. Follow alternate route if normal route is too dangerous.
  4. Missing personnel and last known location will be relayed to College Police.

An emergency is any immediate threat to life and/or property that requires immediate response from police, fire, or ambulance personnel. Your judgment often determines whether an incident is an emergency. If you consider a situation to be an emergency, then it is an emergency and the procedures in this booklet should be followed. If in doubt, err on the side of safety!


  1. Remain calm.
  2. Notify District College Police at 480-784-0911 and then call 9-1-1.
  3. Provide building name and room number.
  4. Keep the ill or injured person as comfortable as possible while waiting for the officer or medical assistance to respond. Do not attempt to move a person who has fallen and appears to be in pain.
  5. Report any details leading to the injury to responding personnel.


Be familiar with the location of fire alarm pull stations, as well as the location of every fire extinguisher in your building.

Develop a mental plan of what you will do if there is a fire in your area and rehearse it.  

Know where you will exit, including an alternate in case your first choice is blocked. 

Know how to use a fire extinguisher. (Pull the safety pin, aim at the vase of the fire, squeeze the trigger handle and move it from side to side as it discharges at the base of the fire.)

The First few seconds of a fire are critical as to whether it spreads or is controlled, but never allow a fire to cut you off from the exit while attempting to control it. 

Campus community members may deal with small, extinguishable fires as long as personal safety is not compromised and they are trained in the use of fire extinguishers. However, always remember that personal safety should be your first concern. Never place yourself in a position where the fire is between you and the exit.

  • Notify District College Police at 480-784-0911 and then call 9-1-1.
  • Activate fire alarm as you leave the building.
  • Alert all occupants in your area.
  • Evacuate to an assembly area. Follow normal evacuation drill route. Follow alternate route if normal route is too dangerous.
  • Assist those requiring help to the exterior or to an area of rescue assistance.
  • Take only your car keys and purse with you.
  • Shut all doors behind you as you go. Closed doors tend to slow the spread of fire, smoke, and water.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • DO NOT allow the fire to come between you and the exit.
  • Notify District College Police at 480-784-0911 or 9-1-1 from a safe location. Watch for the responding officer and provide information on the fire location and extent.
  • No one may re-enter buildings until all buildings are declared safe by fire/police.
  • College Police notifies employees/students when situation is clear and normal operations may resume.
  • Report persons with disabilities to the College Police for assistance.


  • Always ASK a person requiring assistance how you can help BEFORE attempting any rescue technique or giving assistance; ask how they can best be assisted or moved, and if there are any special considerations, or items that need to come with them.
  • Immediately notify District Public Safety at 480-784-0911 or 9-1-1 that there is a person(s) with a disability that requires assistance.


氓Power failures are usually of short duration and have minimal impact on the campus. However, there is always the chance that a power outage can last for a long period of time. The college does maintain auxiliary power units to provide emergency power. During a power outage, please remain in your room until advised to leave the building. Generally, the power will come back on after a few minutes. If the fire alarm is activated, follow evacuation procedures; otherwise remain in the room until directive is clear (alarm, bullhorn, text). Then follow directive to either evacuate or shelter-in-place.

During a severe storm, it is best to be inside a shelter such as a permanent structure or a motor vehicle for protection against flying objects and lightning. After the storm, it is important to check for downed power lines, flooded areas, and/or other dangers that may be present prior to moving between locations.

Severe weather can develop quickly, and watches are issued to prepare people for this possibility so they can take appropriate safety measures. A weather watch can include any type of severe weather, but most frequently involve severe thunderstorms, floods and flash floods, or tornadoes. A weather warning is issued when severe weather conditions (such as tornadoes) have been sighted or are deemed imminent.

Severe Weather Watch has been issued in an area near site/college:

  1. Shelter in place.
  2. Bring all people inside building.
  3. Close windows and blinds.
  4. Safe areas are under desks and in hallways away from windows and large rooms.
  5. Monitor cell phones for RAVE notifications.
  6. If possible, watch local media for updates.


Although not a common occurrence, the college does occasionally receive bomb threats. The most common method of making a bomb threat is by telephone. Such calls are usually very brief and to the point. Anyone answering a bomb threat call should look at the telephone and see if an extension number or name is shown on the display feature and follow the bomb threat checklist.

Upon receiving a message that a bomb has been planted on the premises:

Attempt to gather information by asking:

  • where the bomb is located,
  • when will the bomb go off,
  • what does the bomb look like,
  • who is calling,
  • where is the caller.
  1. Listen closely to caller鈥檚 voice and speech patterns, and to noises in background.
  2. Attempt to have a co-worker notify District Public Safety at 480-784-0911 or PC Public Safety at 602-285-7911 while you stay on the line to try and gather information.


Be cautious of:

  • Foreign mail, air mail, and special deliveries
  • Restrictive markings such as 鈥淐onfidential鈥 or 鈥淧ersonal鈥
  • Misspelling of common words
  • Oily stains or discolorations on package
  • Rigid, lopsided, or uneven envelopes
  • Protruding wires or tin foil
  • No return address
  • The use of excessive tape or string

What to do:

  • DO NOT allow anyone to handle the item or go near it. If you suspect the package contains toxic material, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  • Notify District Public Safety at 480-784-0911.
  • Write down everything you can remember about receiving or finding the letter or parcel/package. Provide the information to Public Safety.
  • Assist officers in the evacuation of the threatened area when requested.
  • DO NOT shut off lights, close doors or windows as the area is evacuated.


The college utilizes natural gas in various buildings on campus. Natural gas is odorless but has an additive that provides a characteristic smell of rotten eggs to alert you to its presence. Whenever gas is detected in a building or other enclosed area, it should be treated as an emergency and immediately reported to Public Safety. Gas leaks, when left unreported, can result in an explosion with subsequent injuries or death to campus community members. To limit the possibility of an explosion, avoid using light switches, fire bells/horns, telephones and appliances when gas is detected.

If gas odor has been detected in the building:

  1. Notify District Public Safety at 480-784-0911.
  2. Do not pull fire alarm.
  3. When advised, evacuate employees/students to a safe distance outside of building.
  4. Close doors behind you as you go. Closed doors tend to slow the spread of fire, smoke, and water.
  5. DO NOT use elevators.
  6. DO NOT use electrical equipment including the fire alarm.
  7. Follow normal fire drill route. Follow alternate route if normal route is too dangerous. Proceed to a safe location at least 100 feet from the danger area.
  8. Supervisors/faculty take headcount.
  9. Missing personnel and last known location will be relayed to emergency personnel.
  10. No one may re-enter building until fire or police personnel declare entire building safe.

If gas odor has been detected outside the building:

  1. Notify Facilities and District Public Safety at 480-784-0911.
  2. Notification will be made whether to shelter-in-place or evacuate at fire/police direction.
  3. If evacuated, no one may re-enter building until fire/police declare entire building safe.



Over the last several years we have seen a multitude of mass shootings across the country with several occurring on college campuses. The best defense against an event of this type is to be prepared.

Prepare yourself by: Maintaining awareness of your surroundings. Taking note of anything out of the ordinary or you feel isn鈥檛 quite right. Reporting anything you feel is suspicious to District Public Safety at 480-784-0911.

Knowing your access routes into and out of your building and classroom or office. Always having a second way out.

Discussing emergency procedures with your instructor, supervisor, and co-workers.

Following the RUN, HIDE, FIGHT procedures: If you can run away from the danger, do so. Call for help from a safe location. If you can鈥檛 run away, hide in your room, lock or block the door, be quiet. If you are confronted by an armed intruder, fight as though your life depends upon it. Use any make-shift weapon, make noise. Work as a group to overcome the assailant.

Although rare, Arizonans must be prepared for the event of an earthquake.

If indoors:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Stay inside. Do not exit building or use elevators.
  3. Take cover under a table, desk or doorway, if possible.
  4. Stay away from all windows and large glass objects.
  5. Avoid being underneath heavier objects such as lights, wall hangings and other items, which may fall.
  6. Help direct people with special needs to a safe place, if necessary.

If outdoors:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Move to an area away from trees, buildings, walls, and power lines.

After an earthquake:

  1. Assist in the building evacuation of people with special needs, if safe to do so.
  2. Tune radios to an emergency broadcast or local radio stations for news updates and instructions.
  3. Be prepared to evacuate campus if instructed to do so. (The decision to evacuate from campus will be based on the severity of the earthquake and damage to buildings.)
  4. Public Safety will provide instructions for immediate actions by means of the RAVE system, door-to-door alerting, loud speakers, or bull-horns.
  5. DO NOT enter any building that is deemed or looks to be unsafe.