Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements (63 credits)

*See  on the transfer pages.

The 63 semester credits required for the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Art degree follow.  See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be used to Satisfy MCCCD AGEC-A, AGEC-B, and/or AGEC-S for specific course information via the following website: This list identifies the courses in alpha-order by prefix as well as the Core Areas and Awareness Areas where the course will apply.  For purposes of clarifying requirements in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences areas on the list and the AGEC requirements, an A, B, and/or S character may follow the [MA], [SQ], [SG] general education designations and refers to the specific AGEC.

I. MCCCD General Education. The MCCCD General Education includes two areas: 

  • MCCCD AGEC-A (Credits: 35)
  • MCCCD Additional Requirements. (Credits 0-6)

II. Fine Arts Requirements – Art (Credits:  28)



  1. Core Areas: Credits: 35  

    The lecture course(s) selected for Natural Sciences must include or be accompanied by the corresponding laboratory course.  The lecture and corresponding laboratory course(s) may carry separate credit. 

    Students should consult with an advisor for appropriate course selection.  Students should also access the AZ Course Equivalency

    Guide (CEG) within the AZ Course Applicability System (AZCAS) for information on equivalencies.

                2.   Awareness Areas:   Credits:  0

    Students must satisfy two Awareness Areas:  Cultural Diversity in the United States [C] and either Global Awareness [G] or Historical Awareness [H]. However, it is not necessary for students to exceed thirty-five semester credits to complete the Awareness Areas because courses can satisfy a Core Area and one or two Awareness Areas simultaneously. Therefore no additional semester credits are required to satisfy the two Awareness Areas.

    Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]


    Global Awareness [G] OR

    Historical Awareness [H]

    1. First-Year Composition [FYC]:  Credits: 6
    2. Literacy and Critical Inquiry [L]:  Credits: 3
    3. Mathematical Studies [MA/CS]:  Credits:  6  To complete the Mathematical Studies requirement, select one course to satisfy Mathematics [MA] A and a second course from Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications [CS]. 
      1. Mathematics [MA] A (3 credits) Select a course in college mathematics or college algebra or pre-calculus or any other mathematics course for which college algebra is a prerequisite. AND
      2. Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications [CS] (3 credits)
    4. Humanities and Fine Arts [HU]:  Credits:  6   Students are encouraged to choose course work from more than one discipline for a total of six semester credits. Select the following:          Credits ARH101  Prehistoric Through Gothic Art  (3 credits)
    5. Social and Behavioral Sciences [SB]:  Credits:  6 Students are encouraged to choose course work from more than one discipline for a total of six semester credits.
    6. Natural Sciences [SQ/SG]:  Credits:  8   To complete the Natural Sciences requirement:  Select four (4) semester credits of  [SQ] and four (4) semester credits of  [SG] for a total of eight (8) semester credits, OR eight (8) semester credits of [SQ]. Students cannot take eight (8) semester credits of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences requirement.

MCCCD Additional Requirements: Credits: 0-6

Students must satisfy Oral Communication and Critical Reading areas. However, it is not necessary for students to exceed the thirty-five semester credits required in order to complete the MCCCD Additional Requirements because courses can satisfy a Core Area and MCCCD Additional Requirements simultaneously. Therefore no additional semester credits are required to satisfy Oral Communication and Critical Reading.

a. Oral Communication: Credits: 3 A total of three (3) semester credits is required for Oral Communication. However, if students select a communication course that satisfies both the Oral Communication area and an area within the Core, then the Oral Communication requirement has been satisfied and additional electives may be taken.

Select from the following options:

  • COM100 [SB] (3 credits) OR
  • COM100AA & COM100AB & COM100AC [SB] (3 credits) OR
  • COM110 [SB] (3 credits) OR 
  • COM110AA & COM110AB & COM110AC [SB] (3 credits) OR
  • COM225 [L] (3 credits) OR 
  • COM230 [SB] (3 credits)

b. Critical Reading: Credits: 3

A total of three (3) semester credits is required for the Critical Reading area. However, if students complete CRE 101 and apply it to AGEC-A Core Requirements or if the students demonstrate proficiency through assessment, then the Critical Reading requirement has been satisfied.

Select from the following options to complete 3 credits:

  • CRE101 (3 credits) OR equivalent as indicated by assessment

II. Fine Arts Requirements – Art Credits: 28 A minimum of 28 credits are required to satisfy the Fine Arts Requirements – Art. Foundations: Credits: 16

Select the following:

  • ADA/ART112 Two-Dimensional Design (3)
  • ADA/ART115 Three-Dimensional Design (3)
  • ARH102 Renaissance Through Contemporary Art  (3)
  • ART111 Drawing I (3)
  • ART113 Color (3)
  • ART255AB The Portfolio (1)

Restricted Electives: Credits: 12

Select from the following options to complete a minimum of twelve semester credits:

  • ART116 Life Drawing I (3)
  • ART122 Drawing and Composition II (3)
  • ART131 Photography I (3)
  • ART151 Sculpture I (3)
  • ART161 Ceramics I (3)
  • ART165 Watercolor Painting I (3)
  • ART167 Painting I (3)