
Course List - Geography

Course List - Geography


Course Name (Link to Related Courses)

Systematic study of human use of the earth. Spatial organization of economic, social, political, and perceptual environments.
Description and analysis of areal variations in social, economic, and political phenomena in major world regions. Emphasis on Europe, Russia, North Africa, and the Asian world.
Description and analysis of variations in social, economic, and political phenomena in major world regions. Emphasis on Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Anglo-America.
The historical to modern development of Arizona. The interplay between the physical, cultural and economic factors affecting Arizona today.
Spatial and functional relationships among climates, landforms, soils, water, and plants. Prerequisites: None.

Atmospheric processes and elements. General and local circulation, heat exchange and atmospheric moisture.



Study of atmospheric phenomena over periods of time measured in months, years or longer. Includes average weather conditions, infrequent and unusual types of weather, and the influence of weather on the cultural and human landscape. Prerequisites: None.

Basic meteorological and climatological measurements. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: GPH212.

A mathematical, statistical, and spatial analysis of climatological phenomena.

GIS 205   

Introduces modern geographic information technologies, including cartography, Geographic Information System (GIS), remote sensing, global positioning systems, and statistical analyses.


Introduces students to digital map creation including vector and raster data, map elements, and design, symbology, and the geo database using Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute) desktop and online   mapping environments.