Fiscal Services

Fiscal Services

* Please read the Procurement Guidelines prior to making any purchases.

Click on the fiscal resource links below for information.

Procurement Guidelines

All purchases or services requested must receive prior approval from the Department Chair/Manager, and the Fiscal office.


  • "Unauthorized Purchase" is an agreement, a commitment, or an order for goods or services, or a change to existing contract by any person who does not have express written delegation of procurement authority to bind MCCCD
  • Unauthorized Purchases includes, but not limited to, placing an order without an approved Purchase Order or changes under existing contracts that are made by persons who do not have delegated purchasing authority
  • When an unauthorized purchase is identified, an Unauthorized Purchase Form will be emailed to all involved parties
  • Email will outline the circumstances surrounding the unauthorized purchase with instructions for providing a response


Requisitions for goods and services greater than $5,000 require three written quotations

  • Whenever possible, please attempt to get at least 1 quote from a Small Business
  • Requisitions for goods and services under $5K require a minimum of 1 written quote
    • All Competitive Quotes shall be uploaded into the FMS Requisition
    • In all competitive procurement, the award is made to the Suppliers with the lowest quote for the goods or service that meet all the Req. requirements
    • In most cases, no competition is required when using MCCCD Contracts or Approved Cooperative Purchasing Agreements. A list of contracts are on the Purchasing Website but this is not a complete list



  • Definition: Inability to  secure competitive quotations resulting In a sole source or single source Purchase Order award
  • Noncompetitive Procurements shall be avoided whenever possible, but products or services may be procured without competition if supporting documentation establishes that only one source is available
  • Written justification is required on all Competition Waiver determinations. Requisitioners to complete the Competition Waiver Request Form and secure approval from the Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services or authorized designee. If there is a need to continue the requirements from a previously approved waiver, the end user is required to recertify that the waiver is still valid and approved (example: Annual renewals require waiver reapproval)
  • Scan copy of the approved waiver form shall be uploaded to the FMS Requisitions

Competition Waiver form is not required for purchases of single source items such as Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), Educational Service Agreement (ESA), Dual Enrollment Agreements, building leases, cell service, professional memberships utilities. Educational and library circulation materials, subscriptions, databases/collections may be purchased directly from the publisher or curator as a sole source.

For more information, visit the  website.

Please be detailed on the requisition lines. The description field should include a specific description of your item, product numbers, pertinent information to the supplier, names of travelers, dates, and pre-payment notations. In addition, the vendor information must be included in the FMS requisition, unless the document is going through the District bid process. If quotes are required, please attach the quotes to the requisition. For information on quote requirements, please read Procurement Requirements.

FMS - Create a Requisition 

All FMS requisitions go through an approval process, and are routed through the respective VP's area before ending up in the Fiscal office. The Fiscal office is the final approver on requisitions, and turns them into limited purchase orders (not to exceed $5,000.00). Purchase orders greater than $5,000.00 are processed by a District buyer.

Note: Checks are to be mailed directly from Accounts Payable and will not be returned to campus. Travel reimbursements and advances are exceptions. You may forward documents to be attached to the payment. However, if the payment is electronic, you will have to email the vendor with documentation.

Types of FMS Requisitions


Blanket Requisitions are used for small commodity type purchases that are bought often, such as maintenance and office supplies; or for routine services, such as monthly repairs or service agreements.  The campus Fiscal office can create blanket PO's, up to $5,000. However, a single item cannot exceed $1,000 due to capital threshold restrictions.


Goods are for tangible items, normally received through the college's Receiving department.  These items will go through an on-line receiving process by the Receiving department. If (by chance) the items are sent directly to your department, please notify the Receiving department.  Also, please include separate requisition lines for tax and shipping costs. These lines should be set up as service-dollars (see below). If the price of the items do not include shipping, please note this on one of the requisition lines.


Service-Dollars are for services, prepayments, and items that will not be received through the Receiving department - such as fees, dues, honorariums, team advances, reimbursements, subscriptions, etc.

Note: Backup documentation is needed for all purchases and must be attached to the requisition. For prepays or team advances, please (specifically) note this information in the description line of the requisition.

Login to your Employee Learn Center to access all FMS training documents

All club events must have the approval of the club advisor and the director of Student Life & Leadership.

All petty cash vouchers must have pre-approval from the Student Life & Leadership office.  For more information, please visit our petty cash information page.

In addition, all clubs must adhere to all MCCCD procurement guidelines, as established by Phoenix College and the District office.  All purchases for club events require final approval from the Fiscal office, prior to the event taking place.

A conflict of interest would be any substantial interest* you or your relatives have in any MCCCD vote, decision, contract, sale, or purchase.

* A substantial interest is defined as any financial or ownership interest, direct or indirect, that isn't a "remote interest."  For instance, employment by a firm creates substantial interest.  The situations that qualify as "remote interests" under law are very limited.

All employees are required to complete a Conflict of Interest Form.  This form is online and will require your MEID and password.

The following are resources for Arizona's Conflict of Interest laws including applicable statutes and hypothetical examples, how those laws apply to MCCCD, how to determine whether or not to contract with current or former MCCCD employees, and how employees are subject to State conflict of interest laws and what they are required to disclose upon accepting employment with MCCCD. 


Gift cards are considered an unauthorized purchase without prior Fiscal approval and approved Official Function Form. Approval will depend on funding source and budget. If the gift card request is approved, the following information will be required. Gift Cards cannot be used in lieu of payment.

  • List of gift card recipients
  • Signature from gift card recipients
  • Dollar amount of gift card (No more than $25.00/person)
  • The name of the store the gift card was purchased from
  • The date the gift card was given out
  • The name of the event the gift card is related to

Please view the Gift Card Purchase form.

Only Governing Board approved MCCCD employees may request Petty Cash. Receiving Petty Cash is the requestor’s authorization to make a purchase or place an order. Therefore, the requestor must have an approved Petty Cash voucher and have received Petty Cash prior to placing any order or making any purchase. 

Note: Failure to do so will result in an unauthorized purchase, and an unauthorized purchase may result in the requestor having to reimburse the college, receiving a suspension of Petty Cash use, and/or undergoing administrative disciplinary action.

There is a $200.00 limit per Petty Cash voucher and only one Petty Cash voucher per FMS chartfield is allowed at one time. Fiscal Services will not reimburse over the $200.00 Petty Cash limit. All Petty Cash vouchers must receive approval by the requestor’s department chair/manager and the Fiscal office prior to receiving Petty Cash. The Petty Cash is disbursed at and returned to the Student Business Services Office. 

Once Petty Cash has been received, the requestor is responsible for making all purchases and returning the Petty Cash voucher, all original receipts (unaltered and indicating ‘paid’), and any remaining Petty Cash to the Student Business Services Office within three (3) business days

Money orders are not a valid receipt, and only purchases for official college business are allowed on receipts. Failure to return the Petty Cash voucher, appropriate receipts and any remaining Petty Cash within three (3) business days may result in the requestor having to reimburse the college, receiving a suspension of Petty Cash use, and/or undergoing administrative disciplinary action.

Additional Guidelines

  • A request for Petty Cash being used for Official Functions must be accompanied by an approved Official Function Form. 
  • Official Functions use the account numbers 53550 (food/beverages) and 54109 (all other Official Function expenses). Food/beverage purchases require separate receipts.
  • Gift Cards can be purchased with Petty Cash for awards, but only if described as such in an Official Function Form.  Gift Cards cannot be used in lieu of payment. Please see Gift Cards.
  • Purchase of goods (tangible items) only.
  • Original receipts are required for all purchases; receipt must include the supplier name, date, and detail of transaction. Altered receipts will not be accepted.
  • The FMS department and account must have available budget/funds to cover the entire petty cash at the time of approval.
  • Fiscal Services will not reimburse for purchases that were made prior to approval and receiving of petty cash

Restricted Items

  • Holiday decorations/candy
  • Personal needs
    • Medications (ex. cough drops, aspirin, eye drops)
    • Break room supplies (ex. paper/plastic goods, dish soap, cleaning supplies)
    • Petty Cash receipts cannot include personal purchases
  • Professional Services (ex. equipment repair, maintenance, catering, equipment rental)
  • No Capital or Tagged items. Ex: no cameras, tablets, etc.

The purchase of restricted items will result in an unauthorized purchase and an unauthorized purchase may result in the requestor having to reimburse the college, receiving a suspension of Petty Cash use, and/or undergoing administrative disciplinary action.


  1. Complete all of the information on Petty Cash Voucher and provide a detailed description of purchases to be made with the petty cash and include the complete Account Chartfield String.
  2. Attach official function form and agenda if applicable.
  3. Verify funds available in FMS chartfield.
  4. Obtain Department Approver signature.
  5. Email Petty Cash Voucher to fiscal@phoenixcollege.edu for electronic signature.
  6. Present the Petty Cash Voucher to Student Business Services to receive cash.
  7. Purchase items.
  8. Reconcile petty cash with Student Business Services within 3 days of issue. Must include original receipts and unused cash.
  9. Please view the Petty Cash Voucher Form


The term "official function" means an activity or item that:

A. Does not appear to be, without explanation, an ordinary and necessary function of MCCCD as a public educational institution; and

B. Provides a tangible benefit and links directly to MCCCD's educational mission; and

C. Is reasonable and commensurate in value to the tangible benefit that MCCCD will receive.

For more information, please review the MCCCD Administrative Regulation 1.16, which is located on the Legal department's web site.

An Official Function form must accompany any request for expenditures related to an official function event or activity.  This includes all purchases orders and petty cash.  Please see the second page of the Official Function Form for instructions on how to complete the form.

The form is used to justify why the college is spending funds on events, specifically food related items.  The form must be signed by the President and forwarded to the Fiscal office. Food items or meals for routine weekly or monthly department, and task force meetings are not allowed.

The MCCCD Purchasing Card, or ProCard, is a flexible purchasing tool that offers an efficient, time-saving method of payment for items purchased. The card is to be used only for official MCCCD purchases and must follow MCCCD purchasing policies and procedures (.)

In addition to the District ProCard Guidelines, the ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ Fiscal Office has campus-specific guidelines for ProCard use:

  • Office supplies must be purchased through OfficeMax. If you feel your needs cannot be met through MCCCD’s preferred office supply vendor, you must request approval from the PC Fiscal Office prior to using an office supply vendor other than OfficeMax.
  • Technology purchases are not allowed to be made with ProCard. All technology purchases (keyboards, mice, software, printers, fax machines, scanners, monitors, CPUs – including netbooks and iPads, etc.) regardless of price must be coordinated with ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ IT.
  • Travel arrangements may only be made after you are in approved travel status (see Travel section on this page for more information).
  • You will be required to reimburse ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ for any undocumented expenses (missing or non-original receipts).
  • ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ ProCard users now have the ability to change the default account code in FMS. In addition to this, users can also split code charges in FMS. Please click on the link below for instructions on how to do this.

Failure to adhere to the District and ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ Procard Guidelines may result in suspension/loss of your card, may require you to reimburse the District/¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ for any unauthorized purchases, and/or may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Please submit all  to the Fiscal office.  Also, please do not sign the contract on behalf of ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ or MCCCD.

Listed below is a quick checklist:

  • Has the vendor signed the contract?
  • Is the individual/company set up as a supplier in the FMS system?  If not, please have them long into the    and follow the instructions to complete the registration process.
  • Is the total amount over $5,000?  If so, please see the Procurement Guidelines.
  • Is a Certificate of Insurance required?  Before a purchase order can be created, or a contract signed, vendors are required to provide a certificate of insurance to District Legal.  To verify if a particular vendor already has this form on file with District Legal, please use Legal's .  Please  for more information on Certificates of Insurance.
  • Has a FMS requisition been created?  If not, please see  FMS Requisitions on this page for assistance.
  • Has the FMS requisition number been entered on the last page of the contract?

Note: Invoices are required from the vendor, for payment to be made.  The Contract For Professional Services is not an authorization for payment. Checks are to be mailed directly from  and will not be returned to campus.


Travel for Maricopa employees is governed by , a subsection of the Fiscal Management Administrative Regulation.  It is the responsibility of the Fiscal Office to ensure that travel policies are followed as well as educate travelers on these policies.  The information below should help you navigate Maricopa's travel policies and provide you with a roadmap to the travel authorization and travel reimbursement process.

View the Travel FAQs for answers to commonly asked questions.


Travel Authorizations


Prior to traveling, you must obtain authorization and be in approved travel status.  This means completing an online Travel Authorization in FMS, obtaining all of the required approvals and receiving an e-mail confirmation that your Travel Authorization has been approved, which will also list your Authorization ID#. Without the approval e-mail, you are not authorized to travel. If travel is for a conference, a conference brochure must also be attached to the Travel Authorization.

Please be sure to attach all backup documentation to your Travel Authorization (Quotes for Airfare, Local Transportation, Hotel, Conference Registration and include a Conference brochure/schedule):

  • Traveler information (please do not use your SS# for your employee ID)
  • Travel information
  • Your mode of travel
  • The funding source(s) for your trip
  • Your estimated/actual expenses (if there is a Procard charge or req/PO associated with any portion of your travel, please indicate that; meals are reimbursed on a per diem (PDF) basis which differs by location)
  • Your justification for travel
  • All appropriate approval signatures

How to create a Travel Authorization (PDF)

Expense Reports

Requests for reimbursement for travel expenses can be submitted in FMS by completing the online Expense Report and must be received by the PC Fiscal Office within 30 calendar days of the last day of travel (or June 30th of the current fiscal year, whichever is sooner). Reimbursement requests received after the 30 days will not be reimbursed.

Expenses for which you will be requesting reimbursement must have original receipts, and all receipts (hotel, airfare, Google maps printout - mileage, etc.) must be in the employee's name. The only reimbursement expenses that do not require receipts are ground transportation up to a$25.00 and per diem amounts for meals (reminder: meal per diems cannot be placed on a ProCard; if you charge a meal to your Procard, it will be considered an offense and you will be required to reimburse the college for that expense).

How to create an Expense Report

Out of Country Travel

All out of country travel will be routed to the Chancellor for approval.

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